Answers to Questions About What the Litigants Want for a Settlement (updated)

Answers to Questions About What the Litigants Want for a Settlement (updated)

The settlement we are asking for is not for damages of any kind, we are simply asking to be reimbursed for our verifiable out-of-pocket and legal expenses, a great deal of which was paid to produce the amendment. The amendment you will be voting on would not have been possible without our expenditures for legal advice to make this event happen. We did not just sue Bridle Path over lack of maintenance. We sued because a previous board attempted to suspend our voting rights just before an annual election. We have been actively involved in working on this amendment so it will make all of Bridle Path a better place.

“Reasonable” is a relative term and so is “generous”. Someone on Facebook said the insurance company made a “generous” offer. In fact, the “generous” offer was for a small fraction of our out-of-pocket costs. We would be happy to settle this issue prior to a vote but it is our understanding the insurance company has declined to revise their offer until after the election is held.

At the June 28 Town Hall meeting, Jeff Beaumont explained that the insurance company would very likely make a more “reasonable” offer once the amendment passes because it would be so much less expensive than going to trial. Unfortunately, our truthfulness is being used to imply we are greedy when we are not. Unlike the HOA, the litigants do not have an insurance policy limiting our costs to $25,000. We have spent a great deal more than that and continue to incur additional fees.

It’s important to consider what is in Bridle Path’s best interest. Should our HOA be spending money on legal fees, enforcement costs, or disputes with the City or would it be better to utilize our funds directly for the betterment of our neighborhood?

We truly hope you will vote YES for the amendment as we believe it is best for all of Bridle Path.

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